How do I purchase the lamp that I like?

You can inquire and leave a message to us about it and our team will confirm your purchase and pick it up at our shop or deliver it to your doorsteps

Nobody is picking up the phone. What do I do?

If nobody has picked up the phone, it is likely that we are closed or busy. You may contact us via Whatsapp +60 16-964 7063 for a fast reply

I just bought a new house and don't know what lights I should get

Light Design Gallery provides designer and technical advice for sufficient lights for your new home. Don't hesitate to drop us a message to schedule a meeting with us 

I have a light design in mind but i can't find it anywhere. What should I do?

Feel free to leave us a message and present us with an example of the concept you have in mind. We will seek arrangements in a blink of an eye